How to add a fixed shipping fee regardless of the order amount or delivery zones?

You can use the CURRENCY function with a number value to set a fixed shipping fee. Add a short answer question in Google Forms and write the formula using CURRENCY function in Formfacade.

You can use the CURRENCY function with a number value to set a fixed shipping fee. Add a short answer question in Google Forms and write the formula using CURRENCY function in Formfacade.

How to setup a fixed shipping fee?

Step 1: Add a short answer question with number response validation in Google Forms.
Step 2: Click on the Addon icon > Select Neartail > Select Customize this form > Click on the Proceed button.
In the Neartail customize interface, click on the ⚙️icon next to the short answer question for delivery fee.

Use CURRENCY function to set a fixed shipping fee

We will use the currency function with a number value to set a fixed shipping fee. CURRENCY function displays the number in currency format. The syntax for the currency function is:

CURRENCY(symbol, number)

  • symbol - The currency symbol to be displayed
  • List number - This could be a number or a calculation that returns a number.

For example

  • To set a fixed shipping fee of $10, you can write the formula CURRENCY("$", 10)
  • To set a fixed shipping fee of €4.99, you can write the formula CURRENCY("€",4.99)
Step 3: Field settings screen will be displayed. Select the "Answer" tab and write the CURRENCY function with a static number to set the fixed shipping fee as shown below.

How to calculate the total amount including the fixed shipping fee?

Step 1: Add a short answer question with number response validation in Google Forms.
Step 2: Click on the Addon icon > Select Neartail > Select Customize this form > Click on the Proceed button.
In the Neartail customize interface, click on the ⚙️icon next to the short answer question for total amount to be paid.
Step 3: Field settings screen will be displayed. Select the "Answer" tab and add the order amount and delivery fee to calculate the total amount to be paid as shown below.
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