How to add your logo in the order confirmation email?

There are two ways to include an image in the email content. You can click on the image icon in the message editor or use the image shortcode to add your logo in the confirmation email.

There are two ways to include an image in the email content. You can click on the image icon in the message editor or use the image shortcode to add your logo in the confirmation email.

Option #1: Use the image option in the message editor

Step 1: Click on the image icon in the message editor.
Step 2: Insert image popup will be displayed. Paste the url for the image and click on OK.
Step 3: Specify the alternate text for the image. If the image cannot be displayed, this alternate text will be displayed.

Option #2: Use the image shortcode

The shortcode allows you to specify the image size and apply styles to the images easily. You just have to replace the url in the below shortcode and include it in the email content to display the image.

${img({src:"https://imageurl...",width:"200px",style:"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto"})}
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