MEMB Chicken BBQ 2021

Thank you for coming to support the Music Boosters Annual Fundraiser provided by Phil's BBQ!  We hope you enjoy the chicken!
$12.00 pre-sale FULL Meal Chicken BBQ - 1/2 BBQ chicken, cabbage salad, baked beans, roll and butter
$8.00 Half Chicken BBQ

Order Contact details

Review your order

Please review your order carefully before submitting it for processing.


Review your order


Your order amount is ${CURRENCY("$",entry1695674371)}. Payments MUST BE received by Friday, June 4th. Please send payment using one of these two methods.

Venmo: @Teresa-Steflik

Make sure to write chicken BBQ in the memo and the name the order is under.
(NOTE: If using PayPal, choose “sending money to a friend” and be sure to put “Chicken BBQ & your name” in the note section.)