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Welcome to the 10th Annual Kalamazoo Area Wild Ones Native Plant Sale 

This is KAWO’s only fundraiser of the year, and your purchases make it possible for us to support multiple community projects and provide free educational outreach programs and field trips.

This year we are conducting sales through a prepaid online order system. Wild Ones volunteers will have your plants ready for pickup at our supplier, Hidden Savanna Nursery (100 N Van Kal St, Kalamazoo, MI) on Wednesday, May 22 and Thursday, May 23, between 4 and 8 pm. A copy of these details, along with a receipt of your purchases, will be emailed to you at checkout. Thank you in advance for your support!


Perennial wildflowers are in 2.5" pots unless otherwise noted. Photos are of mature plants.


Full Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry-Mesic, Mesic, Wet-Mesic; Height: 1.5-3.5 ft; Bloom Time: June-July.

Canada Milkvetch  (Astragalus canadensis)

Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry-Mesic, Mesic, Wet-Mesic; Height: 1-3 ft; Bloom Time: August-September.

Cream Gentian  (Gentiana alba)

Full Sun; Soil: Mesic, Wet-Mesic, Wet; Height: 3-5 ft; Bloom Time: July-September.

Marsh Blazing Star  (Liatris spicata)

Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Mesic, Wet-Mesic, Wet; Height: 2-3 ft; Bloom Time: July-September.

Great Blue Lobelia  (Lobelia siphilitica)

Out of stock

Order early to avoid missing out next time


Full Sun/Part Shade; Soil: Dry-Mesic  Mesic  Wet-Mesic ; Height: 1-2 ft; Bloom Time: July-August.

Nodding Wild Onion (Allium cernuum)
Out of stock

Full Sun/Part Shade/Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic Mesic; Height: 1-3 ft; Bloom Time: April-June.

Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis)
Out of stock

Shade, groundcover; Soil: Dry-Mesic, Mesic, Wet-Mesic; Height: 4-6 in; Bloom Time: April-June.

Wild Ginger (Asarum canadense)
Out of stock

Part Shade, Shade; Soil: Dry-Mesic, Mesic; Height: 2.5-4.5 ft; Bloom Time: June, July.

Poke Milkweed (Asclepias exaltata)
Out of stock

Full Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry-Mesic, Mesic, Wet-Mesic; Height: 2-3.5 ft; Bloom Time: June-July.

Purple Milkweed (Asclepias purpurascens)
Out of stock

Full Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic, Wet-Mesic; Height: 3-5 ft; Bloom Time: June-July.

White Wild Indigo  (Baptisia alba)
Out of stock

Full Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic; Height: 2-3 ft; Bloom Time: May-June.

Cream Wild Indigo  (Baptisia bracteata)
Out of stock

Full Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic; Height: 10-18 in; Bloom Time: June-August.

Harebell  (Campanula rotundifolia)
Out of stock

Full Sun; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic; Height: 1-2 ft; Bloom Time: May-July.

Lanceleaf Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata)
Out of stock

Full Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic; Height: 1-3 ft; Bloom Time: June-August.

Prairie Coreopsis  (Coreopsis palmata)
Out of stock

Full Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic; Height: 1-3 ft; Bloom Time: July-September.

Purple Prairie Clover  (Dalea purpurea)
Out of stock

Full Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry-Mesic, Mesic, Wet-Mesic; Height: 2-4 ft; Bloom Time: July-August.

Pale Purple Coneflower (Echinacea pallida)
Out of stock

Full Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry-Mesic, Mesic, Wet-Mesic; Height: 3-5 ft; Bloom Time: July-August.

Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)
Out of stock

Full Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry-Mesic, Mesic, Wet-Mesic; Height: 3-4 ft; Bloom Time: July-August.

Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccifolium)
Out of stock

Part Shade, Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic, Wet-Mesic; Height: 1-2 ft; Bloom Time: August-October.

Big-leaved Aster  (Eurybia macrophylla)
Out of stock

Sun, Part Shade, Shade; Soil: Dry-Mesic, Mesic; Height: 1-2 ft; Bloom Time: May-July.

Wild Geranium (Geranium maculatum)
Out of stock

Sun; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic; Height: 6-12 in; Bloom Time: April-June

Prairie Smoke (Geum triflorum)
Out of stock

Full Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Wet-Mesic, Wet; Height: 4-6 ft; Bloom Time: July-September.

Swamp Rose Mallow  (Hibiscus moscheutos)
Out of stock

Full Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic; Height: 2-3 ft; Bloom Time: July-October.

Rough Blazing Star  (Liatris aspera)
Out of stock

Full Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic; Height: 10-16 in; Bloom Time: July-September.

Dwarf Blazing Star  (Liatris cylindracea)
Out of stock

Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic; Height: 1-2 ft; Bloom Time: May-June.

Wild Lupine  (Lupinus perennis)
Out of stock

Part Shade, Shade; Soil: Mesic, Wet-Mesic; Height: 2-3 ft; Bloom Time: April-May.

Virginia Bluebells  (Mertensia virginica)
Out of stock

Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic, Wet-Mesic, Wet; Height: 2-4 ft; Bloom Time: July-August.

Wild Bergamot  (Monarda fistulosa)
Out of stock

Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry-Mesic, Mesic, Wet-Mesic, Wet; Height: 2-4 ft; Bloom Time: June-July.

Foxglove Beardtongue  (Penstemon digitalis)
Out of stock

Sun; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic; Height: 1-1.5 ft; Bloom Time: May-June.

Hairy Penstemon  (Penstemon hirsutus)
Out of stock

Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry-Mesic, Mesic, Wet-Mesic; Height: 2-4 ft; Bloom Time: July-August.

Whorled Mountain Mint  (Pycnanthemum verticillatum)
Out of stock

Full Sun; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic; Height: 4-8 ft; Bloom Time: June-September. 3" pot.

Compass Plant  (Silphium laciniatum)
Out of stock

Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic; Height: 2-4 ft; Bloom Time: August-October.

Stiff Goldenrod  (Solidago rigida)
Out of stock

Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic; Height: 2-4 ft; Bloom Time: August-October.

Showy Goldenrod  (Solidago speciosa)
Out of stock

Part Shade, Shade; Soil: Dry-Mesic, Mesic, Wet-Mesic; Height: 1-2 ft; Bloom Time: April-May.

Celandine Poppy  (Stylophorum diphyllum)
Out of stock

Full Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic, Wet-Mesic, Wet; Height: 3-5 ft; Bloom Time: August-October.

New England Aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae)
Out of stock

Full Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic; Height: 2-3 ft; Bloom Time: June-September.

Hoary Vervain  (Verbena stricta)
Out of stock


Grasses and sedges are sold in 2.5" pots.  Photos are of mature plants.


Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic; Height: 1.5-3 ft; Bloom Time: July-August.

Side-oats Grama  (Bouteloua curtipendula)

Part Shade, Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic; Height: 2-4 ft; Bloom Time: June-July.

Hairy Woodland Brome  (Bromus pubescens)

Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic, Wet-Mesic; Height: 2-3 ft; Bloom Time: May-June.

Plains Oval Sedge  (Carex brevior)

Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic; Height: 1-2 ft; Bloom Time: May-July.

June Grass  (Koeleria macrantha)

Out of stock

Order early to avoid missing out next time


Part Shade, Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic, Wet-Mesic; Height: 8-14 in; Bloom Time: May-June.

Rosy Sedge  (Carex rosea)
Out of stock

Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic; Height: 2-4 ft; Bloom Time: August-September.

Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium)
Out of stock

Sun; Soil: Dry-Mesic; Mesic, Wet-Mesic, Wet; Height: 2-3 ft; Bloom Time: August-September

Prairie Dropseed (Sporobolus heterolepis)
Out of stock


See individual descriptions for pot sizes and plant details. Photos are of mature plants.

Out of stock

Order early to avoid missing out next time


Part Shade, Shade; Soil: Mesic; Height: 1-2 ft. 2.5" pot.

Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum pedatum)
Out of stock

Part Shade, Shade; Soil: Mesic; Height: 1-3 ft. 4" pot.

Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-femina)
Out of stock

Part Shade, Shade; Soil: Mesic; Height: 1.5-2 ft. 4" pot.

Marginal Wood Fern (Dryopteris marginalis)
Out of stock

Part Shade, Shade; Soil: Mesic, Wet-Mesic, Wet; Height: 2-3 ft. 4" pot.

Cinnamon Fern (Osmunda cinnamomea)
Out of stock

Part Shade, Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic; Height: 1-2 ft. 4" pot.

Christmas Fern (Polystichum acrostichoides)
Out of stock


See individual descriptions for pot sizes and plant details.  Photos are of mature plants.

Out of stock

Order early to avoid missing out next time


Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic; Height: 1-3 ft; Bloom Time: June-August. Gallon pot.

Lead Plant (Amorpha canescens)
Out of stock

Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic; Height: 2-4 ft; Bloom Time: June-July. 3" pot.

New Jersey Tea (Ceanothus americanus)
Out of stock

Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry, Dry-Mesic, Mesic; Height: 4-12 ft; Bloom Time: March-April. 4" pot.

Hazelnut  (Corylus americana)
Out of stock

Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry-Mesic, Mesic; Height: 20-30 ft; Bloom Time: May. 3" pot.

American Crab Apple  (Malus coronaria)
Out of stock

Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry-Mesic, Mesic; Height: 5-8 ft; Bloom Time: May-June. 3" pot.

Ninebark  (Physocarpus opulifolius)
Out of stock

Sun, Part Shade; Soil: Dry-Mesic, Mesic; Height: 14-16 ft; Bloom Time: May-June. Produces berries for birds. 3" pot.

Nannyberry  (Viburnum lentago)
Out of stock