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✦ 香港生態文創精品 Shop Goodies Inspired by Hong Kong's Wildlife ✦

✦ 買滿HK$200或買繪本免運費 Free delivery upon HK$200 or above purchase or upon purchasing a mammal children's book ✦ 買滿HK$300九折 10% off upon HK$300 or above purchase ✦

付款方式:信用卡/轉數快/銀行轉帳 Payment methods: credit card/FPS/bank transfer

 〰️ 小樹林網上商店 〰️ Little Woods' Online Store 〰️


尺寸 Size:規格:72頁精裝本 (21 X 27cm) ⌇出版:明窗出版社⌇ISBN:978-988-8828-78-4⌇入圍第21屆「十本好讀」選舉

HK$100.00 HK$78.00

這份鯨豚為主題的資訊海報經過了仔細文獻考據和精心設計繪畫製作而成,提醒着你我鯨豚保育的重要,其實「鯨豚離我們不遠」。(如想將海報轉贈予學校或機構,歡迎與我們聯絡。)This cetacean-themed infographic is crafted with extensive research and meticulous designing, serving as a reminder of our connectedness with these marine mammals. (If you want to gift this print to any school or organisation, feel free to contact us.)

尺寸 Size:42(W) x 59.4(L) cm (A2)⌇物料 Material:157gsm 啞粉紙 Matt paper ⌇附送海報卷筒 A paper poster tube is included

「鯨豚離我們不遠」保育海報 ″Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises and Us″ Print
HK$88.00 HK$70.00

這個實用的帆布袋上印了由香港生物組成的地球圖案,是你日常出門的好幫手,更提醒我們珍惜地球上的生物多樣性。拿着這個帆布袋,一起在小樹林探索大世界!Printed with illustrations of local species forming the globe, this practical tote bag is both a great helper for your everyday life, and a reminder to protect the precious biodiversity on Earth. Hold onto this bag, and let's explore big with Little Woods!

尺寸 Size:37(W) x 43(L) cm⌇有底 Flat Bottom⌇物料 Material:300gsm 有機棉 Organic Cotton

大世界帆布袋 Explore Big Tote Bag
HK$58.00 HK$48.00


A delicate and shiny metal pin that embodies the beauty of the local swallowtail butterfly. Put it on your backpack, tote or clothing, and the pin will add sparks and delight to any item.

尺寸 Size:4(W) x 3(L) cm⌇物料 Materials:琺瑯、金色電鍍、金色蝴蝶扣 Enamel, gold plating, gold butterfly clutch⌇背面有小樹林Logo鐳射 Little Woods' logo lasered on pin back

柑橘鳳蝶金屬襟章 Swallowtail Butterfly Metal Pin

這隻可愛的木雕小鳥是按照罕見的冬侯鳥——黑枕王鶲的外貌而製作,仔細觀察能看到牠的不同特徵,作擺設或教材都合適不過。This cute little wooden bird is handcrafted based on the Black-naped Monarch, a rare winter visitor to Hong Kong. It realistically shows the features of the bird, and makes a perfect decoration or educational material.

尺寸 Size:~4(W) x 9.5(L) x 4.5(H) cm⌇人手製作,顏色形狀或有偏差 Each wooden bird is handcrafted, and will vary in shape and colour

黑枕王鶲木雕小鳥 Black-naped Monarch Hand-carved Wooden Bird

這隻木雕小鳥根據香港冬候鳥棕腹大仙鶲雕刻而成,披着亮麗的藍色與橙色,不論放在工作或休息的空間,也定能為你帶來滿滿元氣。Gowning a magnificent shade of blue and bright orange, this hand-carved bird of the winter visitor Fujian Niltava will surely bring delight to your work and home space.

尺寸 Size:~4(W) x 9.5(L) x 4.5(H) cm⌇人手製作,顏色形狀或有偏差 Each wooden bird is handcrafted, and will vary in shape and colour

棕腹大仙鶲木雕小鳥 Fujian Niltava Hand-carved Wooden Bird

小仙鶲在秋冬飛遷到港,有一身亮麗的藍色羽毛,頸兩側各有一道閃藍色紋。這隻栩栩如生的木雕小鳥捕捉了小仙鶲的特徵和可愛,作為裝飾或禮物都最適合不過。The Small Niltava migrates to Hong Kong during autumn and winter, flaunting a stunning blue plumage with flashes of blue on either side of its neck. This lifelike wooden sculpture captures the distinctive features and charm of Small Niltava, making it the perfect decoration or gift.

尺寸 Size:~4(W) x 9.5(L) x 4.5(H) cm⌇人手製作,顏色形狀或有偏差 Each wooden bird is handcrafted, and will vary in shape and colour

小仙鶲木雕小鳥 Small Niltava Hand-carved Wooden Bird
HK$300.00 HK$270.00 一套三款木雕小鳥(9折) Set of Three Wooden Birds (10% Off)

這張明信片呈現了7種在香港不同類別中體型最細小的生物,明信片顯示的生物就是牠們實際的大小,一卡在手,7種小生物活靈活現在你手上!This postcard depicts 7 Hong Kong’s smallest organisms in different categories, with illustrations of the organisms scaled to life-size. By holding the postcard, you can get a sense of how dainty these species actually are.

尺寸 Size:12.7(W) x 17.8(L) cm⌇書面 Uncoated for handwriting

樹林裏的小生物明信片 Little Beings in the Woods Postcard

手執這個文件夾,感受香港森林豐富多彩的生物多樣性,探索生物之間微妙的互動。將這個實用又富資訊的文件夾帶回家,為你的日常注滿生命力。This file will bring you into the vibrant Hong Kong forests while introducing you to the intricate interactions between different species. Use it to organise any loose documents and add some liveliness to your desk.

尺寸 Size:22(W) x 33(L) cm⌇適合裝載A4文件 Suitable for carrying A4 documents⌇物料 Material:PP塑膠 Polypropylene (PP)⌇背面為黑色 Black on the backside

與小樹林探索香港森林文件夾 Explore Hong Kong's Forests with Little Woods Folder

指南繪畫了常見的昆蟲和其他節肢動物的類別,方便在生態考察中辨認這些小生物。This useful field guide illustrates major groups of insects and other arthropods, and helps you identify these little creatures in your wildlife adventures.

尺寸 Size:15.4(W) x 21.6(L) cm⌇已過膠 Laminated

節肢動物辨認指南 Little Woods' Illustrative Guide to Arthropods

在沒有導賞員的帶領下,帶着這本手記和手機,便能一家人以聽故事和解謎語的形式,於3個公園學習城市生態和保育議題,探索城市的生物多樣性。With only this handbook and a mobile phone, your family can embark on an exploration of urban ecology and conservation issues whilst listening to stories and solving riddles.

語言 Language:繁體中文,廣東話錄音 Traditional Chinese with Cantonese recordings⌇最適合小學生(7-12歲)Best for age 7-12⌇包含公園 Locations:香港公園、城門谷公園和佐敦谷公園 Hong Kong Park, Shing Mun Valley Park & Jordan Valley Park⌇尺寸 Size:A5, 14.8(W) x 21(L) cm⌇頁數 No. of pages:40 按此了解更多

小樹林探索手記 Little Woods' Exploration Handbook

【買繪本全單免運費 Free delivery on whole order if you purchase one】由小樹林自然教育與《抗疫小夥伴》作者李揚立之醫生聯合製作,透過精彩故事和各種互動元素,帶你認識本地哺乳類動物和保育議題。A collaboration between Little Woods Nature Education and Dr. Lucci Lugee Liyeung, author of Dr Dumo et al. to the Rescue!, this children's book introduces readers to the more secretive mammals of Hong Kong through a compelling story and interactive elements.

語言 Language:中英對照 Bilingual, Chinese-English⌇在其中9頁有立體或互動元素 Pop-up/interactive elements in 9 pages of the book⌇規格 Binding:精裝本 Hardcover⌇尺寸 Size:21(W) x 21(L) cm⌇頁數 No. of pages:36 按此了解更多

《出發吧!與Dr. Dumo到森林看診去!》互動兒童繪本 Let's Go! Wilderness Calls with Dr. Dumo! Children's Book

冬天出沒的香港瘰螈肚皮上有着最應節的色彩,這張明信片描繪了這種香港唯一的有尾目兩棲動物。把卡送給親朋好友,表示你對他們真摯暖心的祝福。Having the most festive pattern on its tummy, the Hong Kong Newt is the only salamander species in Hong Kong. This unique Christmas card will bring joy and warmth to your friends and family along with your most sincere wishes.

尺寸 Size:A6, 14.8(W) x 10.8(L) cm⌇書面 Uncoated for handwriting

香港瘰螈聖誕卡 Hong Kong Newt Christmas Card

✦ 買滿HK$200或買繪本免運費 Free delivery upon HK$200 or above purchase or upon purchasing a mammal children's book ✦ 買滿HK$300九折 10% off upon HK$300 or above purchase ✦