GOAL = We are aiming to sell 2,500 calendars = $25,000
PRICE = $10 per Calendar
RAFFLE WHEEL = We will utilize the email address you put below as your identifying "ticket number" that will appear on the raffle wheel.
PAYMENT INFORMATION = H&S will accept payments via Venmo or Card.
If paying with Venmo, please change the description from the Order Number that will automatically populate to "Cash Cow"
CCCS Families = Each CCCS Family has a goal to sell a minimum of 12 Calendars
1st Highest Selling Family = $500
2nd Highest Selling Family = $250
3rd Highest Selling Family = $100
WEBSITE = The Cash Cow Calendar Website can be viewed here.
QUESTIONS? Contact Madison Day at either 443-966-0731 or CorpusChristiSchoolHSA@gmail.com.