Delight Catering 外賣服務


本會的美食外賣及到會服務多年來深受到各政府部門、地區團體 、學術界、商界等人士支持。我們提供為顧客設計菜單的服務,並配合近年顧客對健康飲食的需求和對保護環境的重視,在餐單中增設素食和使用有機材料,進一步推廣健康飲食予公衆人士。

查詢及預訂 Booking Enquiry:

電話 Ordering Hotline: 2231 7500

(Mon-Fri: 9:00am to 6:00pm. Sat 9:00am to 1:00pm)

電郵 Email:

地址 新界荃灣德士古道204-210號和富大廈4樓2B室

訂購流程 Ordering Procedure

1. 把食物或飲品加到購物車 Add products to your shopping cart.

2. 結帳、填寫聯絡及取貨資訊 Check out and fill in contact and delivery details.

3. 核對訂單資料 Confirm your order summary.

4. 選擇付款方式 Choose your payment method.

5. 如有需要,填寫發票及收據抬頭,郵寄地址或電郵地址 Fill in the recipient of invoice and receipt and mailing/email address, if required.

6. 提交訂單 Submit form to place an order.

7. 訂單提交後,你會收到由電腦系統自動寄出的電郵,以示訂單提交成功。我們會通過電郵盡快告知你的報價單編號,請你在服務日期至少三個工作天前根據你所選擇的付款方式繳付總金額

An automatic email will be sent to your email address upon success of order submit. We will notify your quotation number shortly, please settle the full payment at least 3 working days prior to service date.

* 外賣食物均以錫紙盤盛載 All food will be packaged in aluminum foil containers.

餐單 Menu


下載全份餐單揀選食物 或 直接點擊以下目錄選購

Download full menu or click on table of contents to order directly

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