Terms and Conditions

Please read the following carefully and contact Alex Holding on 0492462060 or alex@coldahold.com.au if you have any queries.

Terms and Conditions for storing potatoes at the Coldahold Cold Storage facilities

• By sending your product to any Coldahold Cold Storage facility you agree to the following

Terms and Conditions:

• All bookings for the storage of potatoes must be made at least 24 hours in advance.

• First time customers must provide full company details, contact numbers and email

addresses for account information including ABN.

• Provide a list of authorised company representatives and their contact information.

• When booking potatoes for storage, you must fill out the delivery note on the Coldahold Cold Storage App.

• Provide, as best as possible, an anticipated date for when the product will be needed out of


• Take all responsibility for transporting potatoes from the point of origin to the store, and

from the store to their next destination. Coldahold Cold Storage will accept no liability or

responsibility for transportation.

• Ensure that each box is filled correctly and labelled with the name of the owner of the box.

Weights and Quality

• Agree that representatives of Coldahold Cold Storage are allowed to take representative

samples to be checked for weights, temperature, and quality.


• Representative weight samples will be no less than 10% of the load. If the sample weights

show a shortfall from what is expected, e.g. a gross weight expected of 580kg box actually has a gross weight of 500kg. If this trend is throughout all sample weights then the customer responsible for

the product will be contacted and Coldahold Cold Storage will take further instruction.

• Weights will be identified on each label relating to the box that was weighed. This same box

will be weighed on exit from storage as a quality control check.

• When boxes are underweight, the following options are available, but not be limited to;

1. Weighing all boxes and determine an actual weight. ($10 per box)

2. Weigh and adjust box weights to ensure boxes are all full ($20 per box)


• Coldahold has the right to refuse taking product into store.

• Representative quality samples will be taken from no less than 10% of the load. If the sample

qualities are determined to pose a risk to other product in the store then the customer

responsible for the product will be contacted and Coldahold Cold Storage will take further


• If further grading of the product is required prior to storage to ensure that the product is

suitable for storage this will be at a cost of $50 per mt.

Collection from a Coldahold Cold Storage Facility

• Instruction for removing product from store must be received at least 24 hours prior to it

being made ready for dispatch.

• Phone calls are permitted but these MUST be followed up by a SMS or an email.

• These instructions to Coldahold Cold Storage must include the number of boxes to be

dispatched and your authorized representative transporting the product.

• A collection note must be signed your authorized representative on loading with the number

of boxes being dispatched.

• You must ensure you have adequate insurance for your needs, including in transit insurance.

• If you have any special conditions prior to collection, please provide these as a written

instruction to Coldahold Cold Storage. e.g. if you want the seed potatoes to start advancing

prior to collection.

Customer Acknowledges

• They will adhere to the receival information as outlined already.

• That they have full authority to store the product being received.

• That they will pay for the storage of potatoes within 28 days of the invoice date.

• That the boxes remain the property of the owner and are labelled accordingly.

• That they will follow the company's storage practices for wound healing, cooling down, and


• They will provide any special storage instructions or changes through the season via email to

the company.

• They assume all responsibility for the potatoes once they are loaded onto the truck.

Coldahold Responsibilities

• Send monthly reports on storage variables if requested, including dates; of storage, product

and room temperature, humidity, and CO2 levels; outside temperature and relative humidity

(RH); and refresh times; mechanics and faults.

• Understand and sign off on all storage processes and procedures.

• The company is responsible for maintaining biosecurity, sanitation, rodent and pest control,

and monitoring the product.

• The company will label and barcode boxes upon receipt.

• The company will follow instructions from the client regarding loading and number of boxes

to be dispatched.

• The company will provide a GST invoice and receipt for all storage.

Payment Terms and Conditions

• Charges will commence on the date product is received onto the Coldahold Cold Storage

premises until the date that the product leaves the premises.

Charges will be $1 per 1mt box per day (ex GST). 1/2mt boxes will be charged at $0.50 per

day (ex GST).

The first 30 days is to be paid in advance, with the remainder being paid in arrears

• If the customer has over 30 days of overdue payments, their product will not be released

from store until the fees have been paid in full.

• Terms and Conditions will be reviewed annually,

Review and submit

Please review your response before submitting it for processing.
