TVA Bells Donations

Help support music education! Our bell program included 46 students this year - about 1/4 of TVA's student body - and we try to keep costs low to make it accessible to everyone. Every little bit helps, thank you for supporting TVA Bells!

Why are we fundraising?

We are in need of new bell pad covers, replacement parts for the bells, and three new cases, as well as yearly expenses like gloves and music binders. We are also hoping to add more of the big aluminum bells so that more kids can play in each choir.

  • One of our big bells is cracked and needs the bronze casting replaced. The cost for that is $1800 plus shipping.

  • The cases we need are $850, $975, and $895 respectively, not including shipping.

  • The smallest bells start at around $200 to replace the bronze casting; we had to replace two this year.

  • Our bell pad covers are over 25 years old and the fabric has worn out. They are custom made and we are researching replacement costs.

  • Aluminum bells typically cost $3500-$5500 each. Mallets to play them are $95 each. If we purchase more aluminum bells we also need more tables ($275 each), pads ($200/table), and pad covers.

  • Gloves are $3.75 per pair. Advanced wears through 1-2 pairs per student per year. Intermediate and Beginner go through one pair per student per year.

  • Binders are $20. We need to replace a few every year.


Click on the picture below, multiple options are available. If you don't see the amount you would like to donate, you can choose multiples of a smaller amount to make up the amount you would like to donate. Thank you!

$20.00 Donation Amount

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