How to add products with variants?

You can sell products with variants using Neartail. To add products with variants, click Add product > Enter the product name, select sold by quantity and click Next > Select Yes for sizes and Click Create > Enter the product price, upload an image, add variants and click Save.

To get started, click Add product.
Add product page will be displayed. Enter the product name, select sold by quantity and click Next.
Select Yes for sizes and click Create.
Product page will be displayed. Enter the product price, upload an image and click Save.  You can also update the product description or add a compare price for promotional products.
Enter the product variants. If the price of the variants are different, click Variant price.
Enter the price for the product variants. If you don't enter the price, it will use the default price for the product.
When users click on the add to cart option for product with variants, they will have the have to select the variant they want to order.
Once they select the variant, the option to select the quantity will be displayed.
You can also enable the allow users to select multiple variants option so that users can order more than one variant.
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